"Serverless" databases
There are quite a few players in this space now:
- Turso, "Cloud Sqlite"
- Neon, Serverless PostgreSQL
- Supabase, started as an opensource alternative to firebase.
what does an engineering manager do?
From here:
Andy Grove's equation for measuring a manager's impact, which states that the output of a manager is the output of their team, plus the output of the neighboring teams under their influence.
Other ways to improve your output:
- Hiring and retaining great people.
- Owning the team's strategy and roadmap, and ensuring efficient execution.
- Making decisions to ensure that the team is working on the right things and saying no to the things that don't matter.
- Dealing with fires, escalations, and other crises that pop up all of the time.
- Building a strong culture within the team so that people are engaged, challenged, and motivated.
- Mentoring and coaching your reports so they get better and can have more work delegated to them, thus increasing output further.
- Managing the team's stakeholders so they can offer their steer to the team early and often.
- Actively performance managing the team so that superstars can continue to shine and underperformers can be coached or exited.
- Building close working relationships with other teams so that smooth collaboration happens across the organization, leading to a better and more cohesive product.
Trying out Quartz to convert my main site to it.
The nice thing about it is:
- metadata already matches what I was already using -
, description
, tags
- has good integration with cloudflare CI out of the box and is documented
Need to checkout uv for python development workflows.
I currently use poetry, and fairly ok with it.
Things to keep in mind when migrating the website/blog to a new content management system:
- What do you want to keep; don't break links
- Build a simulator to compare what will change between the new system and the old -- is the new content management going to:
- maintain the same URLs?
- same content layout
- same metadata at the page level?
create a skills matrix
| Topic | Skill | Level | Supporting Evidence |
You can use fly proxy
command to setup a SSH proxy to a running Fly.io instance.
In the screenshot below, I used the connection to download the tohray database (a sqlite file) to my local machine for development.

tohray now has RSS feed
I added the RSS feed endpoint to this blog as well as the software.

Also used the newly created Convert to WebP MacOS QuickAction to convert the above screenshot to .webp
fontmatter is a new project to collect nice fonts, with sample of how they look, with a link where they can be downloaded, with licensing information.
The grid layout on the page itself was created using Claude 3.5 (It will soon become implied that every coding project has Claude's "hands").
Check it out and suggest your favourite Open Source font (or commercial if it's reasonably obtainable).