Pradeep's Stream

"Serverless" databases

There are quite a few players in this space now:

  • Turso, "Cloud Sqlite"
  • Neon, Serverless PostgreSQL
  • Supabase, started as an opensource alternative to firebase.

what does an engineering manager do?

From here:

Andy Grove's equation for measuring a manager's impact, which states that the output of a manager is the output of their team, plus the output of the neighboring teams under their influence.

Other ways to improve your output:

  • Hiring and retaining great people.
  • Owning the team's strategy and roadmap, and ensuring efficient execution.
  • Making decisions to ensure that the team is working on the right things and saying no to the things that don't matter.
  • Dealing with fires, escalations, and other crises that pop up all of the time.
  • Building a strong culture within the team so that people are engaged, challenged, and motivated.
  • Mentoring and coaching your reports so they get better and can have more work delegated to them, thus increasing output further.
  • Managing the team's stakeholders so they can offer their steer to the team early and often.
  • Actively performance managing the team so that superstars can continue to shine and underperformers can be coached or exited.
  • Building close working relationships with other teams so that smooth collaboration happens across the organization, leading to a better and more cohesive product.

Trying out Quartz to convert my main site to it.

The nice thing about it is:

  • metadata already matches what I was already using - date, description, tags etc.
  • has good integration with cloudflare CI out of the box and is documented
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